Title: fantasy
Rating: G
Fandom: Great Ace Attorney
Relationship: Mikotoba Susato/Murasame Haori
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Sometimes Haori wishes she lived in a “fantasy” world.

It didn’t take long for Haori to learn that life is unfair. Because even as a young girl she already knew that not all her dreams would come true, that they would only be fantasies.

Haori would like to live in a fantastical world and not because they would have interesting flora and fauna. Well, the ability to use magic might be fun. But her fantasies are perhaps not so “fantastical”. There doesn’t need to be dragons or unicorns or fairies or witches. Sometimes Haori wishes she lived in a “fantasy” world where being a woman would not prevent her from standing toe to toe with men. And sometimes she wishes she lived in a “fantasy” world where her romantic feelings for Susato would be openly accepted by everyone around them.

Unfortunately that is not the world that Haori lives in. Haori lives in a world where she will only be a medical assistant and not a professor, where Susato will only be a judicial assistant and not a lawyer, unless they pretend to be men. But Susato is a woman and Haori loves that woman. Therefore, until her fantasy becomes reality, Haori will keep her love inside her heart.

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