Title: forgetfulness
Rating: G
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Relationship: Lillet Blan/Amoretta Virgine
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Sometimes Lillet forgets that Amoretta doesn’t have all the same memories, but Amoretta won’t let Lillet forget that she is still alive.

Amoretta understands Lillet lived through an extraordinary time loop experience. Where she fell in love with Amoretta before this Amoretta met her. But occasionally Lillet forgets that Amoretta doesn’t have all the same memories. When Amoretta looks confused, Lillet will correct herself and call them nightmares, but Amoretta knows it’s a code word for a past painful memory. Amoretta doesn’t ask for details. Even if she did know, it wouldn’t feel real to her. Instead she holds Lillet tighter, gives her even more of her warmth. For right now she is still alive, and she won’t let Lillet forget that.

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