Title: good
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Ryoko is stumped how to answer Ei’s question on what’s going on between her and Yuki.

“So what’s up with you and Yuki?”

Hours later, Ryoko finds herself at a loss on how to answer Ei’s question. In the simulation they were not quite enemies but rather antagonistic acquaintances that unconsciously, inevitably became more friendly. Yet there was always something that could not be breached, a tension between them due to each having one thing they could not compromise on. Ryoko learned later that it was and would always be Natsuno’s well-being for Yuki, and for her it used to be Ida… Now it might be herself?

Yuki talks to her more than ever, staying back when they cross paths to say something even if it is just a greeting. Yuki tells her that she spends too much time self-punishing, that she’s smart and talented and invaluable. Everyone’s past self was an “awful” person in some way or another. Except maybe Tamao’s.

Yet Ryoko still feels a bit guilty, even if it’s not her fault that Shu flirted with her. She doesn’t want to stick her head into what is going on between those two, but yet…

Yuki has become someone important to her. In her darkest moments Yuki had shown her the light. Maybe it was accidental, but even so… Ryoko still doesn’t know how to properly thank her. There always seems to be something between them, some tension of sorts. It used to be antagonism but now it’s the opposite? Is Yuki now her friend or…

“I don’t know.”

“What don’t you know?”

Ryoko is surprised when her thoughts, spoken out loud, are questioned by the one she’s been thinking about. And just like that Ryoko feels tension in the air, a high charge that causes the hairs of her skin to tingle.

“What are we?”

The question causes Yuki to frown. “Well, uh…” She scratches the back of her neck. “Who asked?”


“Huh. Never pegged him as the type.”


Silence falls between them. Ryoko doesn’t know what kind of expression to make. But when Yuki flashes her a sheepish smile, the tension recedes. It’s that simple, huh? Ryoko once again is overthinking. But based on this, she’s sure Yuki doesn’t have an answer either. Maybe the best answer is that they don’t know exactly.

“We’re good?”

Ryoko isn’t sure if Yuki means the answer is “good” or that the conversation is over, but she nods nevertheless.

Yeah, “good” is good enough.

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