Title: grace
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Arland games
Relationship: Totori Helmold/Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: When Mimi refers to Totori’s “grace” it’s not her ease of movement but rather her kindness.

When Mimi refers to Totori’s “grace” it’s not Totori’s nimbleness or ease of movement. Mimi wouldn’t consider Totori to be “graceful”. Instead Totori’s “grace” is her kindness, her willingness to open her heart, to forgive.

Mimi’s been a recipient of Totori’s “grace” far too many times, enough that it’s embarrassing to think about.

All she can do is try to repay Totori with “grace” herself, even if it is not a part of her personality. She tries for Totori because Totori is important, special, beloved. And Mimi wants to be worthy of being in Totori’s presence and by her side.

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