Title: her beloved
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: When Ellie sees a photo of Gen-san on Tsubasa’s phone, Tsubasa defends it.

“Huh? You like that thing too?”

“It’s not just a thing! It’s Gen-san!”


Tsubasa snatches her phone back from Ellie in a huff. Yes she doesn’t have a photo of herself and Kiria as her background photo anymore because she recently made a new outfit for Gen-san. Because Gen-san is Kiria’s beloved plushie. Therefore it is also beloved to Tsubasa.

Well, she supposes Ellie wouldn’t know that having been overseas for filming and before that not being particularly close with Kiria, but still… Tsubasa will defend her love and her love’s favorite plushie from any hater, even a friend.

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