Title: her thighs
Rating: T
Fandom: Atelier Ryza
Relationship: Ryza Stout/Klaudia Valentz
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Klaudia only has one problem with Ryza’s outfit.

Klaudia has been called stylish and smart-looking by many including Ryza and she would counter that Ryza has great fashion as well. Even if Ryza is not going for a smart or business look, her outfit is eye-catching but functional, wearing shorts due to her active movement, and having belts and pouches to carry her various tools. Her blouse is also made of cloth that is easy to move about in, even if sometimes those movements are just wild gestures to convey her points across to the other members of their group.

The problem with Ryza’s outfit, the only problem in Klaudia’s opinion, is the way it emphasizes her thighs. Those thighs that Klaudia would not mind sitting on or resting her head upon… or doing much more inappropriate things to…

Surely other people have taken notice of Ryza’s thighs. But then again, Ryza’s childhood friends are rather interesting with their style as well. Lent is all muscles all out there, while Tao has that teacher look. Ryza is a teacher now too, sometimes, but Klaudia isn’t sure she could stay focused enough to learn from such a…

Klaudia covers her face and sighs. Ryza’s look is just… too much.

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