Title: if it isn’t complete, then is it…?
Rating: T
Fandom: Umineko no Naku Goro ni
Relationship: Bernkastel/Lambdadelta
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: “Love” in books is so mediocre compared to how Bernkastel feels.

Bernkastel, in her time as a Witch, has spent more than enough times being bored. She has tried allaying that boredom with books, at first reading anything and everything, but that didn’t help. There were so many silly happenings, so much stuff that could be easily predicted in the first few pages, and so much about this thing called “love”.

The ”love” in those books is so mediocre. Easily broken, easily forgotten, easily lost.

In contrast, Bernkastel’s “love” is so strong she wants to completely own it.

If you aren’t willing to cut, stab, poison, or torture for someone you “love”, then do you really “love” that person?

At least that’s the way of the Witch.

And on the other side of “love” is someone just as willing to cut, stab, poison, torture, and hurt for “love”. Oh wait, were you thinking that this was for the sake of the object of your affection? No, it’s definitely towards the object of your affection.

To have them struggling and fighting against you. To have them scheming and planning against you. To have their attention, all of it, as they think about you and only you.

That’s how much Bernkastel loves Lambdadelta.

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