Title: massage
Rating: T
Fandom: Like a Dragon, specifically Like a Dragon 7
Relationship: Mukouda Saeko/Seong-hui
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Seong-hui gets her first back massage from Saeko.

“Just lay down already.”


Seong-hui shakes off her initial resistance to being commanded and lays down as Saeko asks. Because Seong-hui is not going to turn down a free massage from her girlfriend. She knows her back will really benefit from Saeko’s expert fingers. After all, having experienced what those fingers can do in other contexts…


It’s a weird feeling. It starts off unpleasant but after the knot disentangles, Seong-hui just wants to melt into the bed. Now if only they had time to do this more often…


Seong-hui should enjoy tonight first before thinking too far…

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