Title: negotiation
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Hokuto Mitsuki
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Asuka is tired of everything with Mitsuki nowadays having to be so difficult, but…

There was a reason Asuka had been so resistant to Mitsuki’s initial advances. There had been a feeling that it would be troublesome. And unfortunately she was right.

Every time Asuka has to deal with bureaucracy just to do her job makes her want to pull her hair out. Because, to “keep the peace”, every interaction between Nemesis and Zodiac is a negotiation.

Even visits to Mitsuki’s home are supervised. They have to look like “official” business. Sometimes that means “manufacturing” a source of friction between them, “professionally”. Which Mitsuki can relay with a stern expression, but Asuka…

She hates it. She fell in love with the Mitsuki who would bend the rules because she would do anything to protect the people of this city, of this world. She accepted the Mitsuki who charmed with small smiles and with tea, who just always sensed when Asuka was tired or needed just a soothing hand instead of words. So who is this Mitsuki, the one who stands in front of her now?


The one who runs at her and embraces her tightly and chokes a sob into her neck?


Asuka wraps her arms around Mitsuki. She’s been unfair. The one who bends the rules with a smile, the one who relays the rules with a cold look, the one who runs at her with a distraught expression… When Mitsuki holds her like this, Asuka knows. They are all sides of Mitsuki, negotiating with each other. They are all 100% Mitsuki.

“I’m sorry,” they both say to each other simultaneously. And they both look at each other with apologetic smiles.

“Let’s just…” Forget about all this.

“I love you.”

When Mitsuki says those words, Asuka knows they are truly on the same page. Her smile widens.

“I love you too.”

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