Title: overwhelmed
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Kiria finds herself watching Tsubasa’s videos repeatedly. She realizes what that means.

An alarm rings, pausing the video and waking Kiria back to reality. The reality that she should be asleep and not watching Tsubasa’s performance videos on her phone for the hundredth time.

Kiria sighs as she closes the video and chucks her phone onto the bed. When did she become so unreliable? Was it because she’s found nothing more to teach and now gets taught instead by Tsubasa? Was it because she’s being drawn into Tsubasa’s pace instead of the other way around?

Since when has Tsubasa’s charm become so overwhelming? Was it due to Kiria’s teaching or from all the time they spent together? Is this a result of exposure? Is it a slow-acting drug or an addictive flavor?

Kiria isn’t sure. In the back of her mind the word “love” pops up, but what does Kiria know about love? With her family, the members of Fortuna, and Tharja… Kiria understands friendship, family, and partnership, but “love” in the romantic sense… The type that makes one blush and stammer, or daydream, or stay stuck in this loop of repetitive activity, thinking…

Does she love Tsubasa then? She’d like to ask someone, but she also knows the answer already.


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