Title: perfect
Rating: G
Fandom: Xenoblade Chronicles
Relationship: Fiora/Melia
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: To Fiora, Melia is the closest being to perfection.

Being the partner to one of the most powerful, or perhaps the most powerful being in the world outside of God, is definitely an honor. But even if Melia wasn’t the most powerful being in their world right now, Fiora would still be honored to be her partner, her support, and her love.

Because Melia is an amazing being. She’s faced so much and overcome so much of it. She’s so strong and still so gentle and caring. The only thing Fiora wishes is that Melia would see herself in a better light.

“You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be you.”

Although Fiora believes, if anyone is close to being perfect, it would be Melia. She’ll keep that opinion to herself, knowing that Melia will argue about that until one of them runs out of voice or gives up. And Fiora rather give that energy directly to Melia.

“Thanks, Fiora. You always know what to say. I don’t know what it’d be like without you.”

“You’re overselling it. But I’m glad to be of use to you.”

Fiora will always be glad if anything she does can make Melia smile. It’s just so beautiful, so…


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