Title: stars
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Ryza
Relationship: Ryza Stout/Klaudia Valentz
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Klaudia associates stars with Ryza.

Klaudia loves the stars. It doesn’t hurt that the image of the star as a decoration is strongly associated with one person, the one she loves so dearly. She thinks of stars and she thinks of Ryza.

The star earring that adorns Ryza’s ear. The star necklace that Ryza made for Fi. The star bracelet that Ryza made for Klaudia in secret.

Klaudia asked Ryza for a star symbol for another reason. Because no matter how far apart they may be physically, they are still connected when they look at the same stars.

That’s what Klaudia tells herself every night.

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