Title: (still) believing
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Kasane will keep on believing, reaching out, ascertaining…

Kasane can say one thing about the atmosphere in the room when they all return from Togetsu. It’s awkward.

It’s not all bad, though. Kasane knows what that’s like, when everyone is acting awkward because something horrible that cannot be recovered from has happened. That was the case with Naomi… and people still step around her name when they are around Kasane which is both a relief and a sting. But this situation is different. Because Kyoka is still here, and she’s still Kyoka, but…

They want to trust her like they did before. Kasane definitely feels that way and she senses it from Arashi and Shiden. She wants to believe that the love that shined in Kyoka’s eyes before Togetsu is still there, that her feelings for everyone and for Kasane were truer than anything that was revealed on that icy mountain. Because Kasane thinks she might love Kyoka as more than a friend or a mentor, but as a partner in a romantic way. So she doesn’t want to lose that, not now….

She’s lost Naomi. She keeps Naomi’s memory warm inside her heart. But Kyoka is still here. So Kasane will keep on believing, reaching out, ascertaining…

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