Title: that's fashion
Rating: G
Fandom: Octopath Traveler
Relationship: H'aanit/Primrose Azelhart
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: When H’aanit and Primrose see a certain dress in a shop window, they have different reactions.

Sometimes after long periods of traveling together with only wildlife for miles, Primrose forgets that H’aanit is only an expert about natural environments and not so much human environments. Specifically when it comes to most human societies, H’aanit is still rather ignorant. So the frown on H’aanit’s face when she looks at the dress in the shop window should not have been a surprise to Primrose.

“That’s easy to tear,” H’aanit explains when Primrose asks what’s wrong.

“That’s the appeal.”

It’s only after Primrose responds that she realizes H’aanit is not thinking about that type of activity at all. Due to her past jobs, that type of business is always on Primrose’s mind at some level, but for H’aanit that world is some faraway dream. Which Primrose thinks is a good thing.

“People like the danger,” Primrose continues when H’aanit blinks in confusion. “They want to feel like the prey captured by the hunter after a little chase. It’s a game to them.”

H’aanit frowns. “I don’t like it.”

Primrose laughs. She’s not surprised that H’aanit isn’t into that type of role-play, but… “Well, I don’t either. Let’s just move on.”

Primrose prefers her current relationship dynamics with H’aanit anyway.

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