Title: thirst
Rating: T
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Now that Arnice is the Nightlord, Lilysse can finally get Arnice to bite…

Arnice’s transition into being the Nightlord has had many benefits that the two of them didn’t consider. For Arnice the primary benefit is having Lilysse’s life safe from harm for the most part, as most people do not want to enrage the powerful entity named the Nightlord. For Lilysse, the primary benefit is also “safety”, but in a different sense.

For Lilysse has always wanted Arnice to be rougher with her in the bedroom, but half-demon Arnice had always refused this request, being afraid to lose control and hurt Lilysse too much. However as Nightlord, Arnice’s bloodthirst urges are gone. Now if Lilysse asks Arnice for things like that, Arnice is willing to fulfill them. If Arnice bites hard enough to draw blood, it’s fine for Arnice to lick the blood, because she won’t be driven to madness. And Lilysse definitely enjoys being bitten…

This may be the first of many things that Lilysse wants to try with Arnice in the bedroom, but it is a big first step in Lilysse’s opinion. If Arnice knew just how much Lilysse desires her body and warmth in physical intimacy, she might think Lilysse is the one suffering thirst now.

(She’s not wrong.)

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