Title: welcome home
Rating: T
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Arnice comes back home from work and is greeted by Lilysse.

When Arnice steps inside their home, she smells sugar and chocolate, reminding her of the hunger she’s accumulated after a long day of hauling goods for the neighbor’s furniture shop. Yes, Arnice had figured that living a “quiet” life with Lilysse would not be easy, especially because they no longer had the financial support of the Curia and would only have what they could gain with their own hands. Funnily it meant what Arnice could literally do with her hands, which was lift heavy objects.

As for Lilysse, well… Her hands are more suited for delicate work. For arranging flowers, threading needles, painting lips… For greeting Arnice enthusiastically yet holding onto her so softly, like a warm blanket.

“Lilysse…” Arnice murmurs, sniffing Lilysse’s neck as she falls into Lilysse’s embrace. The sweet smell makes Arnice suspect that Lilysse has spent her off-time once again trying to make cupcakes. The rumbling of her stomach is enough for Arnice to consider actually eating them this time without reservation, consequences be damned, but first…

“Welcome home, Arnice.”

There’s another way to satisfy her hunger for a bit. She bites down on Lilysse’s neck, the beautiful supple skin, and makes her claim.

I’m home.

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