Title: clear
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Aluche Anatoria/Liliana Selphin
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Aluche's mission has always been clear.

Human, half-demon, possible turn to full demon, it didn’t matter. To Aluche, the mission was always clear.

Save Liliana. Save the woman she loves, she always loved and will always love.

So she fought. She trained. She fought some more. She didn’t give up. She would never give up. Even if she made one contingency plan for the worst case scenario, she burned inside with intense determination. She would defeat the Moon Queen. She would end Malvasia’s tragedy.

(And she pierced that chest, with the blade made from her being, with all her strength.)

For some reason, learning that the Night had already spread and that the world she experienced only existed because of Liliana’s power was not a worst case scenario. It was a clue, a crack of light in the darkness. It made everything clear. Because if it just meant needing power, Aluche could do something about that. She could help Liliana. She could protect Liliana and the world.

“I want you to stay with me. Though you might have to put up with me for all eternity.”

When Liliana takes her hand, there’s finality. There are no regrets.

With a smile, they step into the blue light.

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