Title: for her
Rating: G
Fandom: Surge Concerto
Relationship: Earthes/Ionasal kkll Preciel, Player/Yuuki Nei
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: You will help her escape.

(Oh, Ion…)

When you learn her story, you want to cry for her. You want to comfort her, to tell her that she’s done so well to get this far, that she has done so much and doesn’t need to do anything more. That she is allowed to take a break from the stress and pain, if only for a moment.

If only you could actually do anything for her besides press buttons and manipulate built-in prompts. If only you could actually take control with your own two hands. If only you could stand next to her, hold her against your breasts, take her hand and…

Despite the difficulties, you won’t run away from this. You will see this through to the end. You will find a way to help her leave, to escape this prison that she does not want. And even if it means you may be parted forever…

You will do anything for her, because you have fallen in love with her. Because you truly love her. And if you only have memories to keep, memories of interactions limited by a janky interface, it’ll be alright. As long as she is happy…

(Please be happy, Ion. Please…)

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