Title: her massage
Rating: T
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 400
Short summary: Kasane spies Kyoka's duplicate giving the original a massage and is drawn to those hands and…

It’s not uncommon for Kasane in the free time between missions to roam about the hideout. Sometimes she just does it with her eyes, taking in the action all around her, the chaos, and landing on Kyoka…

Specifically, Kyoka’s hands. Those slender fingers, curving so gently over shoulders… of another Kyoka. No wait, the duplicate is the one massaging the real Kyoka. Yeah, that makes the most sense.

“Oh, what is it, Kasane? Is something worrying you?”

Kasane blinks in surprise at being addressed before she realizes she has unconsciously moved from her nook in the hideout to Kyoka’s to look closer at those hands. She feels her cheeks heat up a bit in embarrassment.

“No, everything is… fine. I was just… curious.”

Kyoka tilts her head as her duplicate moves aside, inviting Kasane to move in closer. “About my duplication skill?” She chuckles. “Would you like to practice it more? I’m always up for doing more training with you.”

Kasane shakes her head. “It’s not that, just…”

“Would you like a massage?”

Kyoka’s lips curl into a wide smile. Kasane surely is blushing now. “Y-yes…”

Kyoka laughs and claps her hands together. “Oh, don’t hesitate to ask! I can give you one any time, no problem.” She stands up from her chair. “What type do you want? Shoulder, back, full-body…”

“How about my shoulders…” Kasane begins, but some other, unbidden images pop up as Kyoka’s other suggestions are processed. Images that are…definitely not a good idea right now, in this shared space. “…For now.”

Because in a different environment, at a different time, perhaps Kasane might be up for more…intricate massages. Perhaps after the business with Kunad gate is over…

Kyoka nods. “Anything for you, Kasane.”

She motions for Kasane to sit down. Kasane does her best to relax but jolts just a little when she feels Kyoka’s hands press down. Even if she wants this, it takes a moment to adjust to being touched. But knowing it’s Kyoka helps her relax. She takes a slow breath. Kyoka waits patiently for Kasane to adjust and then begins pressing, gradually, until Kasane tilts her head back a bit, because it feels…

“Does this feel good?”

Does Kasane really have to answer that? But it’ll make Kyoka happy if she says it out loud. “Yes. Thanks, Kyoka.”

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