Title: orbit
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Oribe Tsubasa/Yumizuru Eleonora
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Ellie in the one revolving around Tsubasa.

Tsubasa’s star power has risen so quickly sometimes Ellie gets envious, even if she completely understands why. She has seen the effort Tsubasa puts in and how that translates to the stage, to the screen, to the photographs. But technically Ellie started first, even if she is a little bit younger, and although onstage Tsubasa calls her “sempai”…

Ellie is the one revolving around Tsubasa, caught in Tsubasa’s orbit. On stage they might sing and dance as equals, but behind the scenes Tsubasa is the one who leads. And outside the office, even… Ellie will follow her lead there too.

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