Title: this time
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Aluche Anatoria/Liliana Selphin
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Liliana laughs this time, because she's just. So happy.

“Lilia? What is it?”

Ever since Aluche took her hand and they stepped into the sealed space, together, Liliana has wanted to laugh. Once they are truly alone it finally bursts out of her chest like water out of a fountain, because she’s just. So happy.

Aluche’s brow scrunches and Liliana wants to ease that crease right away. “It’s… nothing…” she manages to say with a smile between laughs, to let Aluche know that’s there’s truly nothing to worry about. “Just…”

It’s just so funny. She was the Bride of Time, a role she despaired over even if she did her best to remind herself of its “necessity”. That, as long as she could save Aluche, it was fine to sacrifice her life. Because she had her last dream and could remember Aluche’s smile once more. But here she is, together with Aluche, sealed away in this space, “married” to Aluche for an indefinite, but likely very long time.

Sure it would be more fun to be with Rue and the others. But instead of one complete sacrifice, by sharing this sacrifice…

“I love you, Al. I’ll be yours, forever.”

“I love you too, Lilia.”

Everything is fine, this time.

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