Title: a proper help
Rating: G
Fandom: Xenoblade Chronicles
Relationship: Fiora/Melia
Wordcount: 435
Short summary: Melia helps Fiora in the kitchen.

“Can you get that for me?”

“Yes, here you go.”


It’s not an unusual sight nowadays to find Fiora and Melia in the kitchen together. Mostly because Fiora is one of the few people close to Melia that knows how to cook, and in her quest to become a more “normal” person instead of just a princess and now empress, Melia wants to do normal things like cook.

Thankfully not only is Fiora doing this because she’s Melia lover but she actually enjoy cooking, so the activity ends up being a nice and fun way for the couple to pass free time. If Melia’s help in the kitchen ends up teaching Melia more about where all the cooking utensils are stored in Fiora’s kitchen than actually teaching her the basics of cooking, well… At least the food still gets made in the end so they have something to celebrate.

“How long do we wait now?”

“10 minutes.”

“Then I can do some of the washing.”

“Good idea.”

Melia has also gotten good at doing domestic chores like washing and drying, scrubbing and cleaning. There’s something very nice about accomplishing these simple and important tasks. And she never lets herself out of these chores just because she’s an empress. She always wants to do her fair share.

“I’ll just… Whoops, sorry, are you okay?”

Melia feels Fiora bump into her back as they try to maneuver around each other in the small space by the sink. She lets out a quiet laugh before leaning back a little. She knows Fiora will catch hold of her.

“Just fine. At least it wasn’t me bumping into you with my wet hands.”

Fiora laughs. “Oh, you got me all wet that one time. It was kind of amazing actually. But this time I’m equipped with towels.” She takes the freshly washed bowl from Melia’s hands. “So don’t worry, get washing!”

Melia smiles. “Alright, commander Fiora!”

The two of them continue to giggle as they wash and clear the sink of dirty dishes and utensils. And maybe they only get through half of them because Melia is slowed down by her laughter, but it’s back to the pot and the cooking and, well, things happen. Reyn and Shulk show up and causes some chaos, and then Melia is unfortunately whisked away by an attendant to do some royal business before everyone finishes eating…

Well, even abbreviated, this little break helps. Melia may have been a bit blunt in the subsequent meeting, but she works efficiently, all so she can return to Fiora and finish the job at home properly.

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