Title: black and white
Rating: G
Fandom: Judgment
Relationship: Fujii Mafuyu/Shirosaki Saori
Wordcount: 160
Short summary: Mafuyu likes seeing Saori in black.

Mafuyu has seen Saori wear different colors before, has seen her dress up, make up and all. She’s seen Saori in the plainest clothes, in dull browns and plain white. She’s even seen Saori without anything on at all.

But Saori looks best in black. In a black suit tailored to fit her body, to show off her striking figure. Not just because it’s beautiful, but because it’s powerful. It’s Saori when she’s in charge, fighting, shining brightly.

And if Mafuyu makes sure Saori’s suit is always in pristine shape, if only by making sure to hang it up and send it to the cleaners regularly, it’s not just because she wants Saori to look professional in the courtroom. And Saori knows this, even if she doesn’t say a word about it. After all, Saori has a bit of a thing for Mafuyu’s white suit.

Saori and Mafuyu, in black and white, are really two sides of the same coin.

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