Title: flower language
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 705
Short summary: Kasane finds a single red flower gifted to her by Kyoka. She wants to return the gift with the right meaning so she asks Tsugumi for advice.

When Kasane finds a single, red flower among her belongings, decorated with a ribbon with Kyoka’s name, she knows there’s one person to ask other than Kyoka about this item. And maybe it wouldn’t be best to ask Kyoka about it first, considering the item was not given directly. There is probably some hidden meaning to the action, one which Kyoka didn’t want to make a big deal of, even if it means something big to Kyoka. Meaning that whatever Kyoka is trying to say, she’s nervous about it.

Therefore the option is Tsugumi, master of plants and very empathetic with others especially when they have a hard time expressing themselves. And also a good keeper of secrets.

“This is a red rose.”

“A rose?”

Kasane knows roses are a type of flower; she saw the word in some old stories they all read as children. But Tsugumi is acting like the word should mean something to Kasane.

“And this means…um...that…” Tsugumi’s cheeks turn red as she struggles to form the words she wants to say.

“Tsugumi?” Kasane says encouragingly? Is the meaning something…embarrassing?


Kyoka has told Kasane that she likes her a lot before, and Kasane has said the same. Kyoka has been the easiest person for Kasane to relax around, to just…be with, outside of Naomi. And Kasane knows Kyoka cares for her, thinks about her well-being, smiles every time they see each other. So this “love” has to be something more substantial, if Kyoka felt the need to be secretive about it. More substantial meaning…

“Romantic love.”


Romance was something Kasane never thought much about. Maybe because all she cared about was Naomi, so romance was first put into the category of “things to protect Naomi from”. Although Kasane had started to become more interested in it after getting to know Hanabi better and seeing that it was indeed a good thing for her. As for Kasane having romance in her own life, well… No one had caught her interest, but Kyoka… She and Kyoka were on the same wavelength on so many things. Perhaps she felt the same love as Kyoka did?

“So…it would be okay to give Kyoka the same type of rose, if I feel the same way?” Kasane asks, voicing that last thought out loud to Tsugumi.

“You…feel?” Tsugumi seems surprised and her blush deepens. “Oh. Yes, that would be good. But…”

Kasane doesn’t know why Tsugumi is now frowning. Perhaps she’s seeing something; perhaps Kasane is wrong about her own feelings?

“What’s the matter? Am I missing something?”

Tsugumi shakes her head. “Maybe I should tell you more about the…colors. So you pick the right one.”

Oh. That’s a good thought. Kasane is probably acting too hastily wanting to return Kyoka’s gift immediately because she wants Kyoka to know she reciprocates, but a thoughtful gift would be much better and much more appropriate. If she feels the same way as Kyoka, which she thinks she does, she should give Kyoka a gift with the same consideration that Kyoka gave this one.

“That sounds good. So…colors. How complicated can this be?”

Apparently it is pretty complicated. Kasane is surprised to find out how many different colors of roses exist, though limiting them to ones that can be more easily acquired does help narrow down the choices. Still, ultimately, Kasane finds herself going with her gut instinct. Or maybe part of the reason Kasane sometimes has a hard time looking away from Kyoka is that her purple hair truly is enchanting.

“Purple is…a good choice. She will love it.”

“I believe so too.” Kasane smiles. “Thanks, Tsugumi.”

“You’re welcome.” Tsugumi smiles back. “I’ll…send you coordinates to where to buy them.”

“Great! I’ll go right away.”

Kasane returns to her area of the hideout and places the red rose safely among her belongings. She double-checks that she has enough money before she heads out the door. Tsugumi’s directions have already arrived so she just needs to buy the rose. And then she’ll find Kyoka, or maybe she’ll ask Kyoka to meet her somewhere, and present the rose and…maybe…

Kasane blushes and shakes her head. No, she’ll think about that later. First things first; time to secure that flower!

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