Title: for laughs and smiles
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 400
Short summary: Arnice comes home and finds Lilysse dancing and her sour mood immediately lifts.

Arnice is grumbling to herself as she opens the door to her small house, because all the box carrying the shopowner asked her to do wouldn’t have taken this long if he had been just a little organized, but her sour mood is immediately lifted when she spots a joyful scene in the entryway.

“Getting started without me?” Arnice teases, standing with hands on her hips. She chuckles when Lilysse, who had been dancing oblivious to the audience, spins around and nearly falls over at the sight of Arnice.

“Arnice! You’re back!” Lilysse exclaims as she crosses the short distance and embraces Arnice enthusiastically.

“Yeah, it took longer than expected and…” Arnice feels her complaints fade away as Lilysse’s hands run soothingly up and down her back. “Well, all that matters is that I made it back.”

Lilysse’s hand stop for a moment. “You’re not hurt?”

“Nope. Perfectly fine.” She pushes Lilysse away gently and smiles. “Actually a little better than fine. Do you still have the energy to dance?” she asks, offering her right hand towards Lilysse.

“Of course! I feel great!” Lilysse replies, taking Arnice’s hand and squeezing it. Arnice is about to reach out with her left when Lilysse adds, “Oh, when I went shopping earlier, I saw these two girls twirling and was thinking if you spun me around like that…but I’m probably too clumsy…”

Arnice withdraws her left hand. “Let’s try it.” She raises her right arm, bringing Lilysse’s left upward alongside. “No one else is here. Besides, I’ll catch you.” She tugs on Lilysse a little, and when Lilysse’s body starts to tilt towards the ground, she reaches out with her left hand and holds Lilysse up by the back. “I always will.”

“Arnice…” Lilysse sighs happily. They stay in this position for a moment, this slightly awkward but intimate position. Then Lilysse gets back properly on her feet and flashes a wide smile. “Alright, then spin me as many times in a row as you like!”

Arnice chuckles as she leads Lilysse through one spin. “How about just twice for now…”

Arnice loves how Lilysse responds with more laughs and more smiles. And maybe she ends up spinning Lilysse three times, but who’s really counting? There can never be too many of Lilysse’s laughs and smiles. And Arnice will do whatever she can to make sure they keep coming for years to come.

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