Title: hairclip
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 570
Short summary: Kasane learns Kyoka wants to make something for Kasane to wear just like Naomi's hairclip.

“Kyoka, do you want to talk to me about something?”

Kasane scoots closer to Kyoka who had remained on the couch and touches Kyoka’s left arm. She had noticed Kyoka’s gaze on her earlier during the meeting but waited until everyone else had gone off to do their own things to make her approach. Kasane didn’t think she had said anything unusual during the meeting, so she’s a little worried it’s something else that’s occupied Kyoka’s mind for a while and that Kyoka just hadn’t managed to figure out how to say it.

Kyoka looks away. “Oh, nothing important.” But when Kasane reaches out to touch Kyoka’s face, Kyoka turns her face back to look at Kasane with half-open eyes. She sighs. “I was just thinking… How you aren’t that particular about your clothes or accessories, except that hairclip.”

Kasane frowns and smooths out her clothes. “Is that a problem? I think as long as my clothes fit and are appropriate uniform, I should be fine?”

“No, it’s not a problem. You look very nice.” Kyoka laughs. “I just wanted to…wondered if I could make something you would wear. But I’m a little stumped what would work since you don’t like charms, and you already have a hairclip.”

“Oh. You want to gift me something…” Something visible, to show how deep their connection is, how much it means to Kasane. Kasane blushes at the thought.

“Of course I don’t want to pressure you to accept it, even if I did make something that could work,” Kyoka adds.

“So that’s why you were looking at me.” Kasane smiles. “I’m glad it wasn’t something bad.”


Kasane does wonder if she can suggest something for Kyoka to make. Her only other accessory is a choker, but the idea of making that fancier makes her neck itch. She looks over Kyoka and doesn’t see Kyoka wearing that many accessories either, but behind her ears… Kasane shifts closer and touches the hairclip behind Kyoka’s left ear.

“Well, you wear two of these.”


“Two hairclips.”

It takes a moment before understanding dawns for Kyoka. And with that comes a sheepish smile.

“I didn’t think about that.” Kyoka laughs. “I’ve been wearing these for so long that I sometimes forget I have them in my hair.”

Kasane wouldn’t think something like that could be forgettable; the hairclips are beautiful and unique and perfectly encapsulate Kyoka’s essence. Speaking of which… “Did you make them?”

Kyoka blushes. “Well… I did add the tassles, yes.”

So it is indeed something Kyoka could make again. Then Kasane has her suggestion. “Alright then. Make me something similar.”


“And I can wear it behind my left ear.”

Kyoka blinks in surprise. “Oh.” She reaches back to touch the hairclip on the right side of her head before unclipping it and turning it over in her hand a few times. “Yes, I can do that.”

Kasane smiles. “Good.” She sits back, her fingers falling away from Kyoka’s hairclip. “I’ll be waiting.”

“I won’t make you wait long,” Kyoka replies with her own smile. She affixes the right hairclip back in her hair before standing up. “Oh, I think that place could… or maybe…”

Kasane watches in amusement as Kyoka talks to herself, muttering about one place or another, before absentmindedly walking out the door. Well, at least Kyoka is in a good mood? As for Kasane… She’ll happily await the results.

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