Title: lost, then found
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 430
Short summary: Lilysse has been lost, but finally, after following this sneaky black cat...
Lilysse had spent about a year wandering around, but at the time she hadn’t really thought too hard about why. Her memory was hazy and she just knew there was no point in stressing too hard about the why when the solution to everything would be to clear it up. She just had to find the key.
She wasn’t sure why, but over the past year she had been attracted to red things: red flowers, red cloth, red ribbons… And the other thing she kept looking at were black cats. Lilysse didn’t know why the cat needed to be black, or the cloth needed to be red. Was she looking for a black cat wearing a red ribbon? She asked about that a few times, but everyone would say they hadn’t seen such a cat. Black cats in general seemed to be disliked and feared more than loved, so Lilysse often received either some awkward answers as the person tried to shift away or answers of surprise in the vein of “how sweet of you to care for such poor creatures”. But Lilysse didn’t think she was looking for a “poor” black cat.
No, she was looking for a sneaky black cat, just like the one she saw a moment ago. Yes, the way this cat jumped about, rushed ahead only to turn around and stare at her, egging her to come. Perhaps Lilysse had played with such a cat before and it remembered her?
Lilysse doesn’t care anymore now. She’s been wandering around for a year already and she feels a little crazy. She’ll follow this cat and…find fiends?!
Lilysse stumbles back and just in time, for something brilliant comes down from above, slashes and disperses the fiends at once. A brilliant red…a very treasured and dear color of red. Oh, how could she have forgotten this?
The beautiful white-haired woman dressed in red turns around and faces Lilysse for the first time in a year. “Lilysse, I’m here.”
Lilysse catapults herself forward to close the distance, to nuzzle her face against her beloved Arnice. Oh, the one she loves most in the entire world! Arnice stumbles back just the tiniest bit from Lilysse’s enthusiastic reunion embrace, but then wraps her arms around Lilysse in return.
“I’m home.”
“Welcome back.”
For a year Lilysse had been lost, had been searching for what she had lost. But now everything has been found, and there’s nothing more Lilysse wants at this moment than to remember it forever. For now she is complete, with Arnice here, and nothing could be better.