Title: memories
Rating: G
Fandom: Ys, specifically Ys 8
Relationship: Dana Iclucia/Olga
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: For Dana, her memories are everything now.

For Dana, her memories are everything now.

At first uncovering her lost memories was fun. It was like putting together parts of a puzzle. She looked forward to each new memory, each clue that brought them closer to seeing the bigger picture.

But then it became painful. Because with each new memory the picture was looking to be more and more like a tragedy. One that she was a part of, one that she could not change because it happened long ago in the past. One that was “inevitable”.

However, there wasn’t time to wallow in the pain. Her friends of this time period helped her see that. There was a fuller truth to uncover and a world to save. And a recorded message may have helped even more, to keep her going.

Dana… Believe in yourself. Never stop moving forward.

It’s painful existing alone. Technically she’s not alone, but the beings who serve with her serve the purpose. But this world… She watches over it, the world that her friends lived in. The world her beloved live in. Even if they all eventually become mere memories…

I don’t regret anything.

She rather have her memories than nothing at all.

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