Title: plain and simple
Rating: G
Fandom: Judgment
Relationship: Fujii Mafuyu/Shirosaki Saori
Wordcount: 350
Short summary: With Saori, Mafuyu can just be herself.

If there’s one thing Mafuyu knows, it’s that Saori will always love her, no matter what.

Even if she stops putting on the make-up in the morning or the tailored suit or the hair product, Saori will always see her as beautiful. Even if Mafuyu decides not to get out of bed, like she’s tempted to do today, to lay there all day in her pajamas, or just stays home and eats junk food and gets fat, Saori will always support her.

There’s no need for titles, for career advancements, for money or fame. There’s no need to plaster a smile or to cast a demure gaze to stay away from an argument. For a pair that both works at lawyers, they rarely argue. Because they don’t need to. Saori has always been better at being her plain self, in public and private, while Mafuyu has always felt the need to project. To put an image that others want, that she considers strong and worthy.

It’s with Saori that Mafuyu can be herself. A woman with worries, with weaknesses. But also a woman full of love.

“Mafuyu? I can hear you thinking from all the way over here.”

Mafuyu opens her eyes to find Saori smiling from the other side of the bedroom, a teapot in her hand. Saori sets it aside safely before crossing the distance, using her hands to cup Mafuyu’s face.

“Mafuyu, it’s alright. I’m feeling rather lazy myself, actually.”

Mafuyu nods before she leans in just that little bit. Saori meets her and their lips brush, softly, briefly.

“Thanks, Saori.”

Saori moves back as Mafuyu pulls herself up. She lets out a yawn as Saori pours tea into the two teacups on the side table left over from last time they had tea. Yes it’s a little slovenly to be using those same cups, but… Who cares. And when Saori settles down next to her on the bed, handing her a teacup, Mafuyu sips it slowly, lets the hot liquid warm her insides.

She leans against Saori and relaxes. That’s all she needs, plain and simple.

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