Title: watching over
Rating: G
Fandom: Blue Reflection, specifically Blue Reflection Tie
Relationship: Kinjou Yuki/Miyauchi Rena
Wordcount: 400
Short summary: When clouds appear in the sky, Rena makes sure Yuki comes inside.

When clouds move in to blanket the sky, it means rain is coming to this summer oasis. Not just a pitter patter but a torrential downpour, just like their original world. Which is why Rena goes looking for Yuki, since she knew Yuki had gone out to run around all the new facilities they built recently, to play with Ao and the other more energetic girls.

Of course after they both recovered their memories, Rena fully understands just why Yuki is always seemingly at 120%. Yuki is really living life to the fullest, and while that certainly makes Rena happy, it doesn’t mean Yuki needs to get drenched. She may not have Ash Syndrome in this body, but she could still get sick from the rain, right?

Rena finds Yuki swinging back and forth on the swings, oblivious to Rena’s approach.

“Yuki, it’s about to rain,” Rena states. “You should come back in.”

“Why? It’s not here yet.”

Yuki, of course, looks like she’s not had her fill of moving around. She’s like a little girl sometimes, really. (But that’s partly why Rena loves her, so...)

“But you don’t want to get drenched,” Rena counters, trying to convince Yuki. “Yuki, please. We can go back out later once the rain has passed.”

Yuki stops her swinging. She looks up at Rena with big, pleading eyes. “You’ll promise to play with me later then? No matter what?”

Rena’s heart clenches. That look is so dangerous for her heart. “What are you asking me to do…” she thinks out loud. If Yuki is pulling that look, the idea is wild? Dangerous? Embarrassing? But Rena can’t deny Yuki. “Fine, whatever.”

Yuki grins. “Then I’ll get stuff ready in the workshop. You should go help Ao study some more or something.”

Rena blinks and before she knows it, Yuki has run inside and disappeared, likely doing just as she said. Rena never promised to listen to Yuki, but she knows she’ll get a pouty Yuki if she does peek into the workshop, so she goes to the first floor classroom to see if Ao is indeed around. She thought her plan to invite Yuki out tonight for stargazing might be ruined by the clouds, but perhaps whatever Yuki has in mind would have put that plan on hold anyway. Well, it doesn’t matter, as long as she and Yuki can enjoy time later together.

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