Title: a (birth)day off
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Relationship: Annette Fantine Dominic/Lysithea von Ordelia
Wordcount: 570
Short summary: Annette gets Lysithea to take the day off because it is Lysithea’s birthday.

“Today you are taking the day off!”

This loud declaration is the only warning Lysithea gets before her book is slammed shut and her body is dragged out of her chair. “What? Annette?”

The former librarian at Garreg Mach Academy would surely be scolding Annette loudly if they were here. But the library is no longer staffed, so no one is around to care about the racket Annette makes, except for Lysithea. Who had chosen this place to hide out in because it is normally quiet and abandoned, but alas…

“Because today is your birthday! So you should have fun!”

Well, yeah, birthdays are nice. It was a lot nicer before, when there wasn’t war, when there was still families intact and just fun rivalries and competitions. When a birthday didn’t mean one year closer to her death… Although with Annette and Hanneman’s research, there might be something done about that…


Lysithea shakes her head. “Sure, but…”

Annette laughs as she runs her fingers over Lysithea’s furrowed brows. “And if you are thinking I’m going to try to get ahead, well, don’t worry. I’ll take the day off too!”

Lysithea blinks. “Really?” The person who works the hardest is willing to take a day off just to make Lysithea take one too?

“We’ll get some sweets from the kitchen and… bring them to my room and share them while drinking tea. Since it’s unfortunately too cold for an outdoor picnic and…”

“And where are these sweets coming from?” Lysithea purses her lips. “Did you, perhaps…”

“Well, we did have to cut down on the sugar, but I’m sure they are still great! Mercie’s guarantee!”

Lysithea sighs. “I knew it. You did extra work to make me sweets.”

Annette pouts. “Hey, you’d do the same for my birthday…”

“And we can sit outside and picnic then.” Lysithea could never be mad at Annette for making sweets, unless it had made Annette sick. But Annette looks as energetic as usual. “So fine. Let’s take the day off together.”

Besides, the others in the army who have gotten closer together have… Well, it can’t be said that spending time with the one you love is a waste, no matter how little is accomplished during that time.

Hand in hand, the two of them make their way to the kitchen. Lysithea isn’t sure what type of sweets Annette was referring to earlier, but then Annette takes the paper off a tray, revealing cupcakes that were likely baked the night before. There are only 6 but that’s more than enough for the two of them.

Five minutes later, snuggled under a shared blanket and with two cups of hot tea, Annette gives Lysithea a proper wish.

“Happy Birthday, Lysithea!”

She hands Lysithea one of the cupcakes. Lysithea bites into it eagerly. The cupcake is a little dry and crumbly, but it does have sweetness. It’s more than enough to be considered a sweet.

“Thanks, Annette,” she says with a wide smile.

Annette, face stuffed with cupcake, just nods. Lysithea can’t help but giggle at the sight; with her cheeks puffed out, Annette looks like a squirrel. It’s rather adorable.

“Lysithea, I…”

Lysithea puts a finger to Annette’s mouth, signaling that Annette doesn’t need to fill the silence. Just enjoy the sweets, she thinks to herself as she takes another cupcake. Spending time with Annette celebrating this day is more than good enough for Lysithea.

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