Title: aging
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 245
Short summary: Arnice is finally dealing with the fact that Lilysse is aging while she is not.

It takes a while for Arnice to do something other than avoid or deny the way that Lilysse is changing with the years, the way that her skin starts to stretch thin, the way her eyes crinkle at the corners, the way she has to sit sometimes because she’s become tired, more often… Lilysse just continues to smile through it all, as years pass, as she changes but Arnice doesn’t. It’s strange for this to seemingly hurt Arnice more than Lilysse, especially since Arnice has experienced this before, someone else aging while she didn’t. But Lilysse’s importance is different.

Lilysse is her savior. Lilysse is her one and only. But Lilysse is just a human and Arnice doesn’t want to change her, doesn’t want her to become a demon and experience that pain. Anything besides that…

It’s these warring thoughts that keeps Arnice in denial, not wanting to feel one way or another. She doesn’t want to decide and regret; she just wants this to continue forever.

But Lilysse doesn’t want to stay in stasis. “Every memory is important,” she tells Arnice. To keep doing different things, to have new experiences and new perspectives…

And Arnice finally decides. She wants as many memories with Lilysse as possible. Being with Lilysse, seeing all of the rest of Lilysse’s life… That’s what she really wants, what they both want.

“You’re right,” she replies to Lilysse. Well, Lilysse is normally right, so there is nothing to worry about.

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