Title: believe
Rating: G
Fandom: Ys, specifically Ys 8
Relationship: Dana Iclucia/Olga
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Olga will always believe in Dana.

In many ways Dana is an unbelievable person. Just how does her mind work? How does she come up with these ideas? Does she ever think about proper… Of course she doesn’t think about those things, those little details. Olga is the one who does that for her, sometimes like her handler, sometimes like her leash. Dana is like a chaotic force but when things get to their most critical point, Dana always has an idea, a solution in mind.

That’s why, in the direst of situations, Olga believes in Dana. She will always believe in Dana. For Dana has a heart of purity and light in this time of increasing darkness. And no matter how this all ends, no matter if her own body does not make it out in the end, Olga will keep living, keep surviving. For the one she loves and supports with all her being.

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