Title: catching up (eventually)
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Kurashiki Shiori
Wordcount: 325
Short summary: Asuka gets another book recommended by Shiori, one read previously by Kou, as she slowly catches up on her book knowledge.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“Hmm… Maybe a mystery?”

“You should read that one next.”

Asuka accepts the book Shiori hands her with a nod and a smile. At first Asuka had felt shame when she reluctantly admitted she didn’t know most of the authors or books that Shiori mentioned off-hand. It wasn’t like she didn’t like reading; how could she be Shiori’s girlfriend and not like books somewhat? But Shiori just smiled and asked if Asuka wanted book recommendations. Two years later, Asuka wouldn’t call herself a bookworm, but she certainly can at least talk about some books of various genres and can at least say she’s read some Japanese classics. Because as much as she didn’t read during her time training in America, she definitely didn’t read any Japanese fiction.

“Oh, that one is fun!” Kou exclaims as he sees the cover of the book. “I think I read it in one day.”

“And Kou-chan barely reads outside of his textbooks,” Shiori teases.

Kou looks offended at Shiori’s laughter. “Hey, I can’t help it. All the legal stuff I have to read for class makes my head spin.”

“But you still have time to keep up with the latest Magical Alisa serializations.”

“That’s because Jun makes me…”

Asuka chuckles, breaking up the conversation between Kou and Shiori. “I see. So Shiori isn’t your best friend.”

“Hey!” Kou glares. He huffs. “Do you want me to be closer than you are to your girlfriend?”

Asuka shrugs. “Shiori is my girlfriend yes but I’m not going to beat a childhood friendship spanning over a dozen years. At least not yet.”

“Not yet?” Kou asks.

Asuka smiles. “But in the future, well…” Asuka takes Shiori’s hands in hers. “We’ll see then, right?”

Kou coughs but Asuka ignores that, looking only at Shiori. The way Shiori returns Asuka’s smile is all that Asuka needs to know that Shiori feels and hopes for the same thing.

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