Title: chocolates
Rating: G
Fandom: Perfect Gold
Relationship: Audrey Clary/Marion LaRue
Wordcount: 135
Short summary: Marion doesn't realize how much her chocolates mean to Audrey.

“This is for me?”

“Of course!”

“Thank you very much!”

Marion doesn’t realize until later that her homemade chocolates mean so much to Audrey until she finds a photograph of them placed on Audrey’s dresser. A framed photograph.

“Audrey, um, I think this is a bit…”

“Those were my first chocolates… from someone I really care about.”

The second part answers Marion’s confusion and a bit of bitter mixes in with the sweet feeling. For Audrey not to have been loved properly until now... For Marion to be that warmth and sweetness that Audrey needs.

“Well let’s not make those chocolates your last ones!” Now Marion is all fired-up! Although she’ll have to wait 364 days before giving Audrey the next ones… Well, she has absolute faith that she’ll be giving Audrey another memorable gift.

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