Title: cookies
Rating: G
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Scherza/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 565
Short summary: Aria wants to do something for Scherza who has looked tired lately.

Enough was enough.

Outside of a morning or a good night kiss, it’s been a few weeks since any sort of real intimacy has happened between the two of them. It’s given Aria way too much time to think, even when she’s supposed to be studying, but she’s just too distracted. What can she do to help Scherza, to bring them back their time together? Because every time when Aria does see Scherza, Scherza looks tired despite how much she smiles at Aria.

Aria knows Scherza doesn’t want her to worry, doesn’t want Aria to feel obligated to do anything. But could anyone who loves Scherza really stand by and do nothing? Aria may be an unusual and “unsuitable” consort to Scherza in so many eyes, but she will do her damned best to take advantage of that and do something for her lover. To take care of Scherza like Scherza takes care of her.

Yeah, she hasn’t done any caretaking before. She’s been taken care of by her mom for the most part before coming to Vega. She kind of knows how to cook but she doesn’t have much experience. She kind of knows how to do laundry but here they have magic that works on that instead. She kind of knows how to perform a massage but the problem is Scherza’s time.

After a little internal debate, Aria settles on cooking. It’s a fun distraction from all the studying, but more importantly Melody helps her come up with the argument that it is also educational. Because Aria will learn more about the food that is available in Vega, the way that the inhabitants of Vega cook and what they find important in cooking, the traditions and the customs and the manners. Which Aria is sure will make the next dinner party go a little smoother.

It’s quite the adventure to go from zero cooking experience to cooking well enough to deem it worthy of sharing with Scherza. Actually Aria ends up with more success making sweets than meals, but she feels happy about this first step. These cookies will surely delight Scherza, right?

“What’s that by the table, love?” Scherza murmurs after kissing Aria on the cheek. It seems the plate of heart-shaped cookies finally caught Scherza’s attention.

“A sweet treat for you,” Aria replies, picking a cookie up and bringing it close to Scherza’s lips. “I made them earlier.”

“You made them?” Scherza looks pleasantly surprised. “Then of course I must try…”

And before Aria can move, the cookie is snatched by Scherza’s mouth from her fingers. Her heartbeat picks up as she waits for Scherza’s response.

“Good,” Scherza states before leaning in to kiss Aria on the lips. “Thank you, and feel free to make more.”

“I will!” Aria is overjoyed by Scherza’s response. Okay, Scherza would likely have said something nice, but this surely means the cookies did fit her tastes well? Aria liked how they tasted when she tried one earlier, but that didn’t matter as much as this… “Every day?”

Scherza chuckles. “That might be a bit much but…” She kisses Aria more deeply this time, allowing Aria to taste the sweetness on her tongue. “I want you.”

Scherza pins Aria to the bed and begins to show Aria how much the sugar sweetness from the homemade cookies has reenergized her. At least that’s how Aria interprets it…

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