Title: for the sick
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem (FE12)
Relationship: Katarina/Kris
Wordcount: 325
Short summary: When Katarina is bedridden days after Kris was, there is soup ready.

When the maid who happens to be in the kitchen when Kris enters immediately finds and hands Kris a tray of leftover soup, Kris realizes that everyone already knows what’s up and is better prepared than Kris is. Kris expected to have to do some cooking herself but she is grateful for the soup, so that she can return to Katarina and feed her as soon as possible. Because work doesn’t stop just because people keep getting sick with the winter cold that has been circulating around the castle. Just a few days ago Katarina was the one taking care of Kris as Kris was stuck in bed with a fever. Since they share quarters, even if they did avoid sleeping together when sick, it was likely inevitable.


Katarina murmurs as soon as Kris opens the door. No matter how quietly Kris tries to enter their room, Katarina is likely to wake up due to her years of… When she sees it is Kris she’ll usually fall back asleep when she is tired, though.

“Soup for you. Probably the same you served me.”

Katarina giggles. “You were sick enough to not remember well.”

Kris smiles sheepishly. “Well I hope you won’t be the same.”

Kris takes a spoonful of the soup and brings it towards Katarina’s mouth. Katarina accepts it obediently.

“Mmm… Well there were a lot of potatoes in the harvest…”

Trust Katarina to remember something work-related even at a time like this. Kris laughs.

“At least potatoes are good.” She gives Katarina another spoonful of soup.

Katarina only ends up eating half the soup before falling back asleep. Kris puts the rest aside and makes sure to wipe Katarina’s face properly.

“Goodnight my dear,” she says giving Katarina’s forehead a light kiss. Likely Katarina will only rest for a few hours, meaning Kris should get some reading done nearby. So that when Katarina wakes again, Kris will be here, by her side.

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