Title: good mood
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Eirika/L'Arachel
Wordcount: 260
Short summary: Eirika learns from Dozla that she makes L’Arachel mood better.

Mealtime at the war camp is always rather chaotic, especially when schedules are thrown off due to unexpected events. Like today, the strategy meeting went long and then Eirika ended up talking with Ephraim for an extra half an hour. Eirika catches the very end of the hot soup for the day, served to her by the jolly and exuberant Dozla.

“Hi there, Eirika.” Eirika receives a rather large serving; they don’t want the soup to go to waste likely. “Thanks for making our Princess so happy.”

“Huh?” Dozla’s words confuse Eirika. Eirika doesn’t think does anything in particular around L’Arachel?

“She’s always in a better mood after seeing you!” Dozla explains with a loud laugh.

That causes Eirika to smile. “I’m glad.” She too is always in a better mood after seeing L’Arachel. But then another thought comes to mind. “But is she normally not in a good mood otherwise?”

Dozla shakes his head. “Ah, nothing that bad. She’s just a little more… Capricious maybe?”

“I see.” L’Arachel is definitely a mood changer, Eirika thinks to herself. Her overwhelming presence, her energy, her flair… Perhaps Eirika, being more of a calm person, an inward type person, needs L’Arachel’s energy. And perhaps L’Arachel, being the more energetic person, needs someone calmer to keep her grounded.

Or maybe the fact that they hold hands and lean against each other, share each other’s warmth… Something gentle and warm is between them. There isn’t a word yet to properly describe it, but…

“Thanks, Dozla.” Still, she feels happy to know this.

“You’re welcome.”

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