Title: honesty in kind
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: When there are no secrets, no lies left between them, Kyoka’s simple answer is exactly that.

The couch dips and its occupancy increases to two. “What are you thinking about?”


Kyoka answers Kasane’s question with an honest smile, a warm and happy smile.

When there are no secrets, no lies left between them, Kyoka’s simple answer is exactly that. Kyoka can tell Kasane everything, anything without holding back. And the love that accompanies the simple answer is as true as anything concrete.

Her finger reaches to gently brush against the reddened cheek, her other hand reaches to hold onto the strong shoulder… With Kasane at her side, why would Kyoka be thinking about anything else?


“You’re so sappy.”

Kasane can’t help but blush when her simple question has a simple but extremely sweet answer. When there are no secrets, no lies left between them, this simple exchange means so much more. Kasane can trust everything Kyoka expresses with words and actions. Every sweet word, every sweet touch, every sweet favor…

For Kasane, who has only really known the love of her sister Naomi before all this, it can be overwhelming. But Kyoka is learning. They are both learning, together.

“But I suppose I do love that about you.”

So Kasane replies with honesty in kind.

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