Title: interest
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko/Kuonji Alice
Wordcount: 185
Short summary: Aoko is supposed to find out what Alice likes but keeps looking at Alice herself instead.

They are out and about the town again, just the two of them, because Alice has something she’s looking for in the shopping district and Aoko is tagging along because, well…

The plan was to use this time for reconnaissance, to find out what Alice likes so Aoko can use that knowledge as a distraction in the future, but instead Aoko is distracted by Alice herself. Every time Alice takes a pause Aoko finds herself looking at Alice’s face more than the thing that Alice is looking at, looking for the small ways that Alice’s expression changes. Aoko is sure Alice seems to look cold and hard to everyone, but with time Aoko has found just how much Alice thinks about everything. Every little thing…

Including the way Aoko looks reflected in the store window. Aoko covers her mouth in embarrassment when she realizes she is caught, making the worst acted fake cough in her life. Well, Aoko wouldn’t be interested in someone who wasn’t as sharp as Alice. If Aoko’s interest bothers Alice, well… Aoko has feeling that it doesn’t bother Alice at all.

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