Title: in the kitchen
Rating: G
Fandom: Flowers
Relationship: Kohsaka Mayuri/Shirohane Suoh
Wordcount: 315
Short summary: Mayuri is in the kitchen with Suoh during the cooking club’s activities, helping Suoh, sort of.

Mayuri doesn’t care for cooking. She doesn’t care for baking either, although at least she likes that better. But yet she’s still hanging around the kitchen, voluntarily, and even helping out.

“Pass me the salt?”

Suoh, meanwhile, is humming happily. Suoh enjoys cooking. She enjoys baking too. She likes making food and treats for her friends and loved ones. And she also likes cooking with her friends and her loved ones.

“It smells good,” Mayuri comments as she moves closer to peer into the wok. Suoh’s making some sort of Chinese dish? Mayuri knows that the cooking club has been on a kick of Chinese dishes lately, mostly from how Suoh and the Sasakis talk about it during class breaks.

Suoh smiles. She holds out a spoon towards Mayuri. “Want a taste?”


Before Mayuri can form a proper response, the spoon is put into Mayuri’s mouth. The sweet and salty pork melts in her mouth before the spoon even leaves. Is this supposed to be how it goes?

“How is it?” Suoh asks, as if she can’t tell how Mayuri is feeling by the way Mayuri is smiling and pink-faced. Then again, maybe it is a bit complicated, the feelings she has from the food versus the feelings she has from Suoh enacting a domestic home scene.

“You should see for yourself,” Mayuri replies, grabbing the spoon out of Suoh’s hands and scooping up some pork. She shoves it towards Suoh’s mouth.

Now it’s Suoh’s turn to turn pink-faced. But even still, Suoh obediently opens her mouth and swallows. She nods her head.

“It is good! Thanks, Mayuri.”

“Uh, you’re welcome?” Mayuri is pretty sure she did nothing special. But Suoh is happy and so Mayuri is happy, and the food is good so everyone else will be happy…

Mayuri may not be a regular in the kitchen but maybe she’ll come again soon.

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