Title: just drunk enough
Rating: T
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 2
Relationship: Anita/Valeria
Wordcount: 390
Short summary: Anita is drunk but not too drunk, and finally learns what she’s like before she goes home with somebody thanks to Valeria’s help.

“Another drink?”

“Don’t pass out on me if you do.”

“I’m not that drunk…”

Their wine glasses clink and Anita takes a large sip of the red wine, the strong and bitter and tart all mixed together. She is definitely drunk right now even if she hasn’t started slurring her words yet. Because she’s noticing just how shiny Valeria’s hair is and how much she wants to run her fingers through it. Because she’s noticing just how shiny Valeria’s lips are and how much she wants to feel that moist softness against her own. Valeria’s been drinking the same wine, right? So it wouldn’t taste much different than…

“You are definitely drunk.” Valeria chuckles as she does what Anita has held back from, as she reaches out to touch Anita’s hair. “But not too drunk. We’ll stop after this glass.”


Valeria puts a finger to Anita’s lips. “Last time you started saying how warm you felt and…” She pauses to cough. “Well, let’s save the show for our room.”

Anita blinks once, twice. Wait a second… She’s drunk but not drunk enough to be stupid. Is Valeria saying that last time she started… Anita knows when she gets really drunk she has a habit of going home with anyone. Not that she’s ashamed of having sex as long as both parties have fun, but… So that’s how she gets…

Maybe there’s a reason Valeria asks her how often she gets drunk and tends to invite her out for drinks now… Maybe there’s something behind Valeria not stopping her from drinking but saving the show for “our room”. If Anita reads into it, which she definitely is at this moment, then… Her attractions are definitely welcome. That makes Anita want to start loosening her collar right here, with the way her body heats up at the thought.

“You know…” She drains the rest of her wine glass quickly before reaching out towards Valeria’s face. “I’m feeling pretty hot.”

Valeria immediately catches Anita’s hands, squeezing them tight. She then shouts at the bartender, gets their bill settled, and drags Anita away, all while still holding onto Anita’s hand. Anita is feeling the alcohol but she is still keeping track of everything. Because tonight she’s going to remember each detail so they can have a good night tonight and next time too.

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