Title: senses
Rating: T
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Marisa/Tethys
Wordcount: 260
Short summary: The idea of blindfolding started as Tethys’ joke but Marisa looked intrigued.

It started as a joke. It’s not like Tethys is ever short of sashes that could be used as blindfolds. But Marisa had taken the words seriously and the way that her eyes had gleamed, Tethys couldn’t help but actually want to try it out.

So here she is, sight obscured by red cloth, sitting cross-legged on the bed and waiting. Waiting for Marisa to do something more than look at her. Well she assumes Marisa is looking at her, based on how her skin feels tingly and warm. It’s not like she can actually see Marisa’s face or her expressions. She has to trust her other senses, her sense of hearing, her sense of smell, her sense of touch.

She sniffs as the smell of blade oil becomes stronger, mixed in strangely with the smell of lavender. Her heart beats faster at the sound of breathing getting louder and closer. Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips at the feeling of fingers pressing against her jaw.

“Kiss me,” she murmurs as she waits for the last sense to be engaged. Her lips are parted and ready.

It takes a moment but finally, finally there is the taste of sweetness. A bold kiss considering who is giving it, but with the blindfold covering Tethys’ eyes, it’s just like how they are in the dark. A whole new side to Marisa comes out when it’s dark and Tethys loves every bit of it. So if blindfolding allows something similar during the daytime, then Tethys will definitely bring this up again.

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