Title: sustained by love
Rating: G
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Relationship: Lillet Blan/Amoretta Virgine
Wordcount: 210
Short summary: Lillet realizes, after some time apart from Amoretta, that she too may be sustained by love.

This time when Lillet wakes up, it takes her a moment to realize that she is not still in a dream but rather she is in reality, but just one where she is still traveling without Amoretta at her side. A week away from Amoretta has taken more of a toll on Lillet than she thought it would. Even if Amoretta is the one who is sustained literally by love, it seems, after years of living together with Amoretta, love also sustains Lillet’s spirit. It’s just odd not to have someone squeezing her tightly when she wakes up like the warmest and closest fitting blanket, with no sweet perfume to tickle her nose either. Instead Lillet wakes up cold and smelling paint.

“Ugh…” Lillet groans as she forces herself up and out of bed. She misses the good morning kiss as well. But if she lingers here, it just means even more time spent away from Amoretta. So Lillet will get herself properly dressed, go down for breakfast, go out and finish this task as soon as possible, and then return home to the one she wants to be with, the one who sustains her with love. Yes, it’s time to return to the reality that she truly belongs to.

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