Title: unexpected kindness
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 4
Relationship: Agnes/Tanya
Wordcount: 245
Short summary: Agnes is tired and irritable but experiences a little unexpected warmth and kindness from Tanya.

Agnes wouldn’t say she’s a particularly pleasant person in general, but even today she’s given Lady Elenor a little bit of stink. Of course Lady Elenor doesn’t exactly mind; she has never been much of a stickler for propriety in private or when it has no particular strategic meaning. It makes Agnes feel a bit guilty, though, enough that she ignores the calls from Tanya as she walks through the library.

Because a certain body function made its monthly appearance last night. Agnes, while not particularly obsessed with her womanhood, normally enjoys the beauty of her body. But when it causes her to be irritable due to lack of sleep, well…



It’s with surprising gentleness that Agnes finds herself steadied by two hands. She didn’t realize she had been walking unsteadily. To think her rival and interest would be so kind… She mentally notes, or at least tries to remember, that Tanya is likely to come collecting sometime in the future but… Agnes right now is fine with indulging in Tanya’s gentle touch and support.

“…Thanks,” she murmurs. Perhaps Tanya’s cheeks pinken at those words or perhaps it’s a trick of the light and Agnes’ tired eyes.

“I’ll escort you back,” Tanya says after a moment. Yes, the pink cheeks were likely imagined. But the warmth of Tanya’s hand is not imaginary at all. If the feeling lingers well after Agnes is back in Lady Elenor’s room, that’s… Only for her to know.

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