Title: with you
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Arland series
Relationship: Totori Helmold/Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
Wordcount: 355
Short summary: Totori remembers a certain trip out to sea when she visits the docks of Alanya with Mimi.

The smell of the salty breeze, the cries of the seagulls, the sight of endless blue… It’s been a while since Totori has been back to Alanya. The place hasn’t changed much; there isn’t much incentive to change even if Arland and Arls and the big cities have become flush with alchemic technology and conveniences. A simple fishing town on the sea is just that. Although Totori just has to close her eyes and ears for a bit and a memory surfaces…

“Totori?” A hand on her shoulder shakes Totori out of memory lane. To her right, her best friend and partner and more looks at Totori with a mix of curiosity and concern.

“It feels nostalgic,” Totori replies, giving Mimi a small smile. Her gaze lands on the large ship in port.

“Hmm? Are you thinking about the trip we took out to sea?”

It seems Mimi has caught on. The two or so years that Totori worked on making that ship from sketch to reality, with so much help from friends especially Mimi… The trip out to sea… To finally get some answers…

And when Totori cried again, Mimi had just held her tight, reminded her that life is warmth and love and worth living, worth moving forward in.

“Yeah… I wonder if we should do another trip?”

What would it be like this time, if the two of them went out to sea just to explore? Although they would have to let the others know and wrap up their current business, it would be nice to be adventurers again. Maybe they could find another island and some even rarer ingredients…

“You’re thinking like an alchemist, though.” Mimi laughs.

Totori laughs too. “Well, yeah, but… You can also increase the glory of the von Schwarzlang name!”

Mimi sighs. “I think going back to Arland would help more but…” She shakes her head. “Well, this would be more interesting. That’s worth it, being with you.”

Totori can’t help but smile at that. “Of course.”

Because for Totori too, being together for whatever they plan to do is the most valuable part of the plan.

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