Title: cold
Rating: G
Fandom: Grim Grimoire
Relationship: Lillet Blan/Amoretta Virgine
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: They say it’s cold out tonight. Is that what Amoretta is feeling?

It is incredibly cold tonight. That’s what the people on the street are saying, and it makes Amoretta pull her coat tighter around her body. Cold… is this what she is feeling right now?

As a homunculus, Amoretta normally doesn’t notice temperature fluctuations such as “hot” or “cold” and takes her clues about it from the way people dress. From the way Lillet dresses… herself and Amoretta.

If Lillet puts on the thin dress or the thick robes… If she takes out a coat for Amoretta to put on top of her normal outfit, or takes away the scarf that she knitted for Amoretta…

Amoretta shivers again. What she would give for Lillet to be here right now, to put that scarf around her neck. To pull Amoretta in close to adjust it, and Amoretta would take advantage of the situation and…

I want to hold you… Lillet…

Amoretta returns to their home, the one she shares with Lillet. But Lillet is not here. If outside is “cold” right now, then this room is “cold”. This bed is “cold”. No matter how many blankets Amoretta bundles up together, it doesn’t make her warmer. Only Lillet herself can change that…

But it will be another few days before Lillet returns from her trip. Amoretta hugs herself and closes her eyes.

I want you to hold me… Lillet…

Maybe if she remembers how Lillet feels when they embrace, when they kiss, when they express their love… Maybe Amoretta can survive the “cold”.

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