Title: for each other
Rating: G
Fandom: Perfect Gold
Relationship: Audrey Clary/Marion LaRue
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Audrey comes to see Marion in her room, with a request or two.

“Audrey? You alright?”

Upon hearing a knock, Marion had opened her door, only for Audrey to walk right past her into the room. The lack of a greeting had irked Marion a bit but the expression on Audrey’s face was not right, hence Marion’s question.


Well, the way that Audrey has just sighed out her name is enough of a sign. Audrey is not alright; she needs comfort and Marion will give it to her!

“What can I do to help?” Marion asks as she follows Audrey to sit down on the bed. She takes Audrey’s hands in her own and squeezes them.

“Please be here for me.”

Marion cocks her head. “Of course!” Would Marion ever answer otherwise? “I’ll be here for you and you’ll be here for me…”

Audrey shakes her head. “No, I mean, in this room. When I am tired and need to see someone to recharge…”

“Oh!” Marion blushes. “That’s… I can do that!”

Marion had been about to say that Audrey was overselling but then remembered she just needed to see Audrey and feel Audrey’s warmth to be recharged. Because they are like that for each other – each other’s base of strength and life.

“But I can do more than that too! Do you want me to make some tea, or get some cookies, or…”

“Just hold me. And kiss me.”

Audrey is already closing the distance when she makes that request. Marion, of course, is ready to grant her Audrey anything, so...

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