Title: giving in
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Marisa/Tethys
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Tethys interrupts Marisa’s sword maintenance time to invite her for some fun dancing.
One, two, three, four. Marisa finds herself counting in her head as she oils and polishes her sword. Counting is not necessary, but Marisa has recently felt… a little unbalanced… and this is helping…
Of course when Marisa is finally getting into a rhythm, she gets interrupted.
“What do you want?” She’s not particularly happy about this interruption even if it is Tethys.
Tethys sighs. “Aww, you don’t have to sound so grumpy. Or look so angry. Relax, dear.”
Marisa keeps her expression stern. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Tethys smiles. “I want you to have a little fun. You’ve looked too tense lately.”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
Marisa tries to act normal as she puts her sword and tools away, but her tools fall and she has to hastily gather them. Tethys meanwhile laughs. She clearly doesn’t buy Marisa’s assertion. To be fair, Marisa’s cheeks are flushed from her bungling. She really is terrible at pretending.
When Marisa looks up again, she finds Tethys close, her mouth right by Marisa’s right ear. “It doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from a little fun, though.”
Marisa shivers. “Which would be?”
Tethys puts her hands over Marisa’s. “Dancing!”
“Dancing?” Marisa questions even as she allows Tethys to link their fingers together.
Tethys smiles. “Please dance with me.”
Marisa is pulled to her feet even before she can answer properly.
She would have given in to Tethys anyway, but just that one word agreement is enough for Tethys’ smile to shine even brighter.