Title: the truth (serum)
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Arland games
Relationship: Totori Helmold/Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
Wordcount: 250
Short summary: Totori tests out a truth serum recipe from Astrid on herself and Mimi and finds out how Mimi really feels.

“Totori… Pay more attention to me… Spend more time with me… Please be mine!”


Totori finds herself being squeezed unusually tightly by Mimi. Hmm, there must be something alcohol-like in this concoction, since Mimi seems to be acting as handsy as she does then. But this is supposed to be a truth serum, right? So is this how Mimi really feels?

“Why can’t you be mine…”


This recipe from Astrid is truly dangerous. Totori was suspicious when it arrived written on a napkin, but she could not leave such a curious recipe alone. And to test it, Totori would of course use it on herself, but she also needed to observe its effects, and who else could help out but her most beloved friend? And while Totori just wants to coo at every action Mimi makes, Mimi wants…

“I don’t want to share…”


How did they even get on to this topic? Was simply asking Mimi how she has been recently really an avenue for this? Because Totori is on Mimi’s mind often? Or…

“Why are you so cute, Mimi.”

“I’m not cute.” Mimi pouts. “I just love you.”

Totori blushes. “No, you are cute, saying that. Stop being so adorable!”


“You are! And I love you too!”


Mimi smashes their mouths together. It’s a horrible kiss technically, but Totori kisses back eagerly. Wait, does that mean they are no longer friends but more?

(She’ll find out when they sober up a few hours later.)

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